Accenture 2015 H2

Although some teams within Accenture are producing great content, the overall average has
fallen steadily over the past two years. This decline means that the firm is now to be found just
below the half way mark in our quality rankings table.
So where is the firm falling behind the leaders? In this report’s sample, two areas stand
out: resilience and prompting action. A whopping 70% of the publications we reviewed
incorporate no primary research of any type and (a slightly different) 70% include no or very

Accenture 2013 H2

Our analysis of Accenture’s output for our last report – and for our recent report on thought
leadership about emerging markets – may have seemed a bit equivocal: the firm had risen
impressively in our rankings from 7th to 4th (and was 2nd in the emerging markets report) but
we remained a bit guarded. Accenture was, at the time, managing to be consistent, but it wasn’t
managing to be a whole lot else. Its success was serving to demonstrate just how far not doing
much badly can get you, but the question of whether it was capable of doing anything that was

Accenture 2014 H1

Accenture is clearly capable of creating good material – for an example, see Playing to win, which is built upon extensive
research, is appealingly presented, and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the decisions they face. Yet we
can’t help but picture the firm as the bright child in the class who occasionally hands in a really good assignment but often

Accenture 2015 H1

Accenture has some great content. See, for example, its Technology vision 2015. This content is built on a hugely
impressive research effort including initial input from the firm’s Technology Vision External Advisory Board; interviews
with 100+ technology luminaries, industry experts, and Accenture business leaders; crowdsourcing of ideas from more
than 1,700 Accenture employees; and a global survey of 2,000 business and IT executives across nine countries. The

Accenture 2014 H2

Despite a slight decrease in average score, Accenture has moved up a position in our rankings and is back in the top five. It
was last seen in this illustrious group in the first half of 2013 and, before that, in the second half of 2011.
Accenture has clearly been marking out its territory as the expert in all things digital; Digital double-down is just
