Accenture has some great content. See, for example, its Technology vision 2015. This content is built on a hugely
impressive research effort including initial input from the firm’s Technology Vision External Advisory Board; interviews
with 100+ technology luminaries, industry experts, and Accenture business leaders; crowdsourcing of ideas from more
than 1,700 Accenture employees; and a global survey of 2,000 business and IT executives across nine countries. The
results are presented in multiple formats. We particularly like the ’100-day plan’ and ’1-year plan’ at the end of each
section in the PDF, which ensures that each concept is made actionable.
However, at the other end of the scale, we see content that offers little more than one person’s view of an issue. In our
view, it would be far better to present this type of content as a blog rather than raise (and then probably dash) the reader’s
expectations by using a designed and polished report format.

Score: Appeal: 
Score: Differentiation: 
Score: Prompting Action: 
Score: Resilience: 
2015 H1
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