Egypt (cautiously) back in business

If a consulting firm is writing about a market that it thinks its clients want to know about, that market is very probably China. A.T. Kearney bucks the trend and scores big on differentiation by exploring what Egypt’s recovering economy means for adventurous consumer and retail investors.

A.T. Kearney: America@250

Though America is one of the most uniquely endowed countries in human history and by nearly all measures the most powerful country in 2016, its future is far from certain. Three drivers of future change in particular—Millennial preferences, technological disruption, and the global landscape—could take a variety of paths between today and 2026.

A.T. Kearney 2015 H2

Granted, A.T. Kearney’s thought leadership doesn’t fall below our cut-off mark of 8.0—slip
below this and there’s a real risk of leaving your audience with a more negative view of your
firm than they had before they began browsing. And yet we saw nothing that really impressed,
and no piece reached our upper benchmark of 12.0—the level of really good content.

A.T.Kearney 2013 H2

AT Kearney continues to make steady, if unspectacular, progress up our rankings, rising from
14th to 12th place this time round. The firm’s greatest skill seems to be its ability to find white
space quite successfully: Finding the Customer Preference Sweet Spot manages to find its own

A.T.Kearney 2014 H1

A.T. Kearney continues to loiter around the middle of our table with an average score that has moved very little over the
past three years.
The firm regularly spots, and is brave enough to pursue, a slightly unusual angle on what, in other hands, could be

A.T. Kearney 2014 H2

A.T. Kearney is at its best writing about niche topics where the firm clearly has deep insights to offer. See, for example, Securing
value across India’s coal supply chain
, which clearly has a limited audience, but for that specific target group is likely to stand
out since few others are addressing their concerns. It comes dangerously close to the boundary between thought leadership