Press releases

This area contains press releases issued by Source.

Since its launch in 2007, Source has received over 200 pieces of media coverage. See our media coverage section for further information.

Telecoms spend US$5.4bn on consultants

The global telecoms industry remains the TMT sector’s biggest buyer of consulting services, increasing 8.5% to generate US$5.4bn for consultants in 2017.  Read more

Global risk services market set to pass US$80bn by 2020

Following growth of 7% to US$62bn in 2017, a new report today estimates that growth in the global risk services market will accelerate to more than 10% in 2019, with the value of the market passing US$80bn by 2020. This will be an uplift of almost US$30bn (over 50% growth) in just five years. Read more

Australia’s consulting market remains the biggest in the world relative to GDP

After experiencing strong growth of 7.1% to reach a value of over US$5bn in 2017, Australia’s consulting market has retained its position as the biggest consulting market in the world relative to GDP. Australia now has a consulting market, relative to GDP, 10 times the size of those in China and Russia. Read more

Canada's consulting market makes global top 10

After experiencing healthy growth of 4.9% to reach a value of US$3.91bn in 2017, Canada’s consulting market has made the ranking of the top 10 most attractive consulting markets in the world. Read more

Australia’s energy & resources consulting market passes US$1bn to remain the second largest in the world

Australia’s energy & resources consulting market remained the second largest in the world as it grew 4.7% to over US$1bn (US$1.065bn) in 2017. This growth is a huge step up from the performance of 2016, when revenues in this sector increased by only 0.3% from the previous year. Read more

Australia’s consulting market accelerates past US$5bn

Consulting market growth fastest for five years 2017 was a good year for Australia’s consultants, with Australia’s consulting market growing 7.1% to reach a total value of just over US$5bn. This rate of growth was significantly faster than the previous year’s (5.2%) and the fastest recorded for five years. Read more

Regulation forces up FTSE 100 audit fees and delivers mixed results

Audit regulation such as mandatory audit firm rotation (MAFR) has delivered mixed results in the UK, and at the same time, has forced up audit costs for the FTSE 100—with audit fees jumping a whopping 10% to almost $1bn ($935m) in the last 12 months, finds a new report. Read more

Shortage of Brexit consultants will hit British business

Big Four firms have the most Brexit experts—but are unlikely to meet the demand Without consultants, UK companies will struggle to adapt to post-Brexit world    British business is expected to suffer in the lead-up to Brexit as a new report has found that the number of consultants required to deal with the expected wave of Brexit-related demand is woefully insufficient.    Read more

Trump tax overhaul boosts US consulting revenues

•    US consulting market grows 8.1 per cent in 2017 •    Federal spending on consultants rises four times faster under Trump administration •    Consulting arms of accounting firms—mainly Big Four—were well placed to benefit from tax changes Read more

Modernising Canada's banks and insurance providers drives up use of consultants

•    Canada’s consulting market approaches $4bn landmark ($3.91bn) •    Digital transformation work almost quadruples its market share in one year •    Healthcare market–the star performer for consulting work Read more

Growth starts to pick up in Eastern Europe’s Consulting Market

After recording a growth rate of 5 per cent for several years, Eastern Europe’s consulting market saw stronger growth in 2017—up 6.7 per cent to reach a value of €1.36bn. Poland—the region’s largest market—once again saw the strongest growth rate, followed by the other mature markets of Slovakia and Czech Republic. Read more

US corporations spent $23bn on analytics work in 2017

•The largest US corporations invested $23bn in analytics in 2017 •The US analytics consulting market accounts for over half of global analytics consulting revenues A new report published today reveals that US corporations spent $23bn on analytics work (excluding hardware and software) in 2017—either through their own internal teams or with external management consulting firms. Read more
