UK FinTech: On the cutting edge

EY,  commissioned by the UK Treasury, sets out to assess how the UK fintech ecosystem compares to that of other regions with a significant fintech presence.

EY: Shifting into high gear: Mitigating risks and demonstrating returns

Forensic data analytics (FDA) has evolved considerably over the past two years. In our 2014 survey, we found that, although companies were deploying some forms of FDA, many were missing opportunities to leverage emerging advanced tools that would enable them to greatly strengthen and improve their risk management and investigative response programs.

EY: Do you define your CFO role? Or does it define you?

EY: Global corporate divestment study

Roughly half of the companies surveyed…are considering a divestment in the next two years. Yet many of these companies will struggle to generate maximum value from their divestments. This is all the more reason to share leading practices now.

Do you define your CFO role? Or does it define you?

This report is founded on extensive research: one-on-one interviews with 21 CFOs and a survey of nearly 800 finance leaders. EY effectively captures the reader’s interest by highlighting this approach and naming all the interviewees on the very first page, and profiling (with large photos) a number of them throughout the report.

EY 2015 H2

EY’s quality score is almost a full point higher than in our last report. However, it’s not clear
as yet if this is due to systematic and sustainable changes or simply a result of having a sample
that is better than the set from which it is taken. (As we’ve noted in the past, EY has bounced
around our table due to the high variability of its content.)
Considering first of all the 10% of content that scores 12.0 or above: these pieces score well

EY 2013 H2

Here’s a thought: EY out-publishes every other firm by such a distance that if it cut 1 in every 5
pieces, and those pieces were its worst, it would be four places higher in our ranking and still
be the most prolific publisher of thought leadership in the world. As it is, it sits down here in
10th which is actually quite an achievement in itself for a firm that produces such an enormous
volume of material. In fact it manages, by comparison with other mass-producers like PwC and

EY 2014 H1

EY has leapt up our ratings, but the jury is still out on whether they’ll be able to hold the spot: did they simply get lucky this
time round (ie, did we review a higher-than-average proportion of the good stuff), or is there something more sustainable
happening behind the scenes?
The team arguing for ‘lucky’ point to the consistency of the material we reviewed – or rather the lack thereof: material

EY 2015 H1

EY continues to bounce around our table due to the high variability of its content. While we saw no outstanding content
(scoring 12 or more points under our rating criteria), we could point to examples in this sample that sit everywhere from ’a
good piece of thought leadership’ to ’this could actually be detrimental to the brand’.

EY 2014 H2

As we suspected might happen, EY’s score has dropped again this review. The firm produces an awful lot of material – some of which is very good, some of which is fairly poor. One of the higher-scoring pieces this time is Beyond borders, a report targeting the biotechnology industry. We accept that it is rather on the hefty side, but it’s easy to navigate, allowing readers to dip in to areas of interest.