In addition to the above reports, we also publish supplementary content to investigate the themes in more detail in the form of blogs, white papers, and podcasts. To explore this content, please log in/register for a website account. For more information on these reports, please contact your account manager, Gen Asenova.
The Future of Account Management

Building a digital delivery platform

Greg Caimi, Bain & Company
The Future of Account Management

Using technology to build better relationships

Venkat Chandra and Sumathi Pundit, Kaitongo
The Future of Account Management

A buyer's perspective on account management

Elinor Hull, Post Office
The Future of Account Management

Issue-based consulting

Casey Foss and Tom Hulsebosch, West Monroe
The Future of Account Management

The role clients want to play in project resourcing

The Future of Delivery

The impact of an innovation lab on a firm’s price point

The Future of Delivery

Creating on demand services

Jorge Blanco and David Brown, KPMG
The Future of Delivery

The commodification of professional services

Duncan Hare, XMCS
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